Cirsium palustre

Heimo: Mykerökukkaiset – Compositae, alaheimo Karhiaiskasvit – Carduoideae (aiemmin Asterikasvit – Asteraceae). Synonyms and Other Names: Marsh plume thistle, European marsh thistle, European. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences. The glabrate stem is winged and armed with spines that. It is hardy to zone (UK) 4 and is not frost tender.

It is in flower from July to September, and.

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Cirsium palustre

Irish Name: Feochadán corraigh. Invasive characteristics include the ability of C. Cirsium palustre is a BIENNIAL growing to 1. European swamp or marsh thistle, cirse ou chardon des marais. A native of western Europe, collected in New Hampshire and Newfoundland early in the 20 th century and becoming locally abundant as it spread. Asteraceae (Aster family) Introduction to Vascular Plants.

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Den virtuella floran: cirsium palustre (l

Cirsium palustre

Marsh thistle, cirsium palustre, from the asteraceae family: narrow, lobed, spiny leaves, winged stems and clustered flowerheads. Erect ribbed stems are robust and sturdy, with moderately dense. Kärrtistel är en högväxt, mörkgrön. De Kale jonker is een slanke, hoge distel in natte graslanden. Deze distel is waardplant voor de distelvlinder, Vanessa cardui en nectarplant voor vele bijen. Show All Show Tabs marsh thistle. BESCHREIBUNG Distel werden in der Regel als störende, nutzlose UNKRÄUTER betrachtet die man.

Leaf type: leaves are simple (i.e., lobed or unlobed but not separated into leaflets). Etymology: palustre = of marshes. Eamonn Hinchey and Donna Vogler. Notes: Director, Curator, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Biological Sciences Department, California Polytechnic State University. Plante bisannuelle de 5-10 dm, dressée, presque simple ou rameuse, ailée-épineuse, pubescente – feuilles pennatipartites un. Tyvilehdet ovat ruodillisia, varsilehdet ruodittomia, ruoti on leveälti siipipalteinen.

Lehtilapa on suikea, jäykkä, yleensä. The majority of sites are located in the. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Biennial, Persistent.

Marsh thistle (cirsium palustre)

Cirsium palustre

Rozšíření: Vyskytuje se v celé Evropě s výjimkou jižních oblastí kontinentu. Přes Ural se dostává až do severní Asie. Marsh Thistle Other Common Names: marsh thistle.